I may be an Amazon, but I have a very delicate body. My skin is terribly sensitive, and even the slightest whiff of perfume sends me into a sneezing fit. I never use products with fragrances, and the delicate nature of My skin also prevents Me from shaving My underarms. Therefore, I am left with My natural, uncorrupted scent: a powdery soft yet deeply elegant aroma that seeps of pheromones. For the scent fetishist, this is a match made in heaven.
Throughout My life, I never cared much about other people's opinions, instead I opt for subverting expectations and pushing societal boundaries. Embracing My body hair was one of the first steps I took to appreciate alternative forms of beauty, and to my delight, many others also took notice.

Nothing excites Me more than to have a pet worship My under arms, letting themselves get intoxicated by its heavenly aroma. To even be close to such a Divine Being such as Myself is indeed a privilege, but to be awarded such a gift in a blessing. Are you a scent fetishist? Do you think you could prove yourself enough to earn this experience?